Four Myths About Product Liability Lawsuits
When consumers purchase products, there is an inherent understanding that the products are largely safe or that they will at least function as intended. Unfortunately, there are many individuals that will be injured as a result of using faulty products, and when this is the case, they will need to have an accurate understanding about their rights as product liability victims.
Myth: Only Products With Defective Designs Are Eligible For Product Liability Lawsuits
While the design is one of the most important aspects for any product, individuals should avoid assuming that enterprises are only responsible for product liability in instances where a design problem contributed to the victim's damages. Enterprises are also responsible for the safe manufacturing of their products. However, they may not be liable if the product was damaged by the distributor before it was sold to the customer.
Myth: Those Directly Harmed By The Product Are The Only People Eligible To Take Legal Action
Unfortunately, there can be instances where a defective product results in the death of the user. In these situations, the survivors of the victim may be able to pursue a wrongful death claim against the company that made the product. In this case, it will be essential to prove that usage of the product directly contribute to the death of the user. The availability of this option will depend on the state's wrongful death regulations as there are limits on the family members and other survivors that can pursue this type of lawsuit as well as the time frame for doing so.
Myth: It Will Be Difficult To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney For Your Product Liability Case
When individuals are in need of professional legal representation, they may assume that it will be extremely difficult for them to afford to hire this type of representation. However, there are many attorneys that can represent victims that have suffered injuries or other personal damages as a result of using a company's products. Furthermore, paying for these legal services is more affordable than individual assume due to the fact that most clients are only responsible for paying the attorney when the case is resolved favorably for them.
Myth: You Won't Stand A Chance Against A Large Corporation
Product liability victims are often hesitant about pursuing their cases as they may assume that they will not stand a chance against the legal department of a major corporation. However, it should be noted that even the largest companies regularly lose product liability cases to individual victims. Before you decide against pursuing this claim, you should always consult with an attorney as your case may be much stronger than you assume.
Reach out to a business like Maruca Law to learn more.